Selected Invited Talks and Keynote Addresses:
- Keynote Address, VLSID, Kolkata, India, Jan. 2024
- Keynote Address, Hardware Security Forum, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Dec. 2023
- Invited Talk, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, Dec. 2023
- Invited Talk, MediaTek, Taiwan, Dec. 2023
- Keynote Address, IEEE DFTS, October 2023, Nice, France
- Invited Talk, University of Minnesota, September 2023
- Keynote Address, IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), San Jose, May 2023
- Jack Kilby Keynote Address, GomacTech, San Diego, March 2023
- Keynote Address, RISE Workshop, London, Dec. 2023
- Invited Talk, SRC HWS e-Workshop, Hardware Security: A Vision for the Next Decade, May 2022
- Invited Talk, Accellera IPSA, Quantifiable Assurance: From IPs to SoCs, April 19, 2022
- Visionary Talk, Silicon Lifecycle Management (SLM) Workshop, March 18, 2022
- Invited Talk, Intel, Quantifiable Assurance: From IPs to SoCs, Feb. 2022
- Keynote Address, Synopsys User Group, SNUG, March, 2022
- Visionary Talk, State of the Microelectronics Security and Trust, NIST, 2022
- Interview with Dr. Jay Lewis, Partner, Microsoft, 2021
- Interview with Serge Leef, MTO Program Manager, DARPA, MEST Center, 2021
- Interview with Dr. Wally Rhines, CEO of CORNAMI, MEST Center, 2021
- Invited Speaker, Microelectronics Packaging & Test Engineering Council (MEPTEC), Nov. 3, 2021
- Keynote Address, Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT), Nov. 2021
- Invited Talk, UF AI Speaker Series, Nov. 2021
- Invited Talk, Dynetics, Nov. 2021
- Invited Talk, Design Automation Conference (DAC), Dec. 2021
- Keynote Address, IEEE Microelectronics Design and Test Symposium (MDTS), May 2021
- Keynote Address, Workshop on Securing the Nation’s 5G Supply Chain Though Measurement Countermeasure, NIST, 2021
- Microsoft, Title: State of the Microelectronics Security, March 2021
- Keynote Address, ACM Workshop on Attacks and Solutions for Hardware Security (ASHES), Nov. 2020
- KBR Center of Excellence on Microelectronic Trust, Oct 2020
- NIST’s Cybersecurity and Privacy Federal Advisory Board, Oct 2020
- Keynote Address, MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C.), ESD Alliance and SEMI, Security on Chip Summit in SEMICON Taiwan, Sep 2020
- Keynote Address, International Test Conference (ITC) Asia, Sep 2020
- DOD Technical Executives, Education and Workforce Development, Aug 2020
- Cyber Security and Information Assurance (CSIA) IWG, Aug 2020
- Keynote Address, SRC/SIA/DoE Decadal Plan workshop on ICT Hardware Enabled Security Aug 2020
- ACM SIGDA / IEEE CEDA webinar, Design Automation WebiNar (DAWN), Title: Automatic Implementation of Secure Silicon (AISS) Aug 2020
- Global Foundries Executive Talk, July 2020
- Texas Instruments Gator Day, July 2020
- IEEE Oregon Section, The Pursuit of Happyness: Root of Trust for Cybersecurity, June 2020
- DARPA, , Automated Rule Checking for Hardware Security (May 2020)
- Cyber Resilient Supply Chain Technologies (CReSCT), Keynote Address (May 2020)
- OSD Quantifiable Assurance (QA) Workshop, Washington DC, Title: Quantifiable Assurance under Zero Trust
- ERI Summit – Hardware Security Workshop, Detroit MI, Title: Securing Supply Chain from Chips to PCBs
- GomacTech 2019, New Mexico, March 2019, Title: The Pursuit of Happiness: Establishing hardware root of Trust for cybersecurity (Keynote Address)
- NXP Semiconductors, Chandler, AZ, October 2018, Title: New Trends and Challenges in Securing Hardware
- ISTFA 2018, Phoenix, AZ, October 2018, Title: Hardware Root-of-Trust for Cyber Security: Uncovering the Role of Test and Failure Analysis in Enabling Cyber Defense (Keynote Address)
- IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS), Hefei, China, October 2018, Title: Securing SoCs: Current Practices and Challenges (Keynote Address)
- Georgia Tech, September 2018
- IEEE World Conference on Information Security Applications, Jeju, Korea, August 2018 (Keynote Address)
- Georgia Tech, IoT Summer School, August 2018
- Distinguished Speaker Series, Navy Crane, IN, August 2018
- SRC Workshop on Fabrics of the Security, Fremont, CA, July 2018 (Keynote Address)
- NSF SCCS Workshop, Washington DC, March 2017, Title: SoC Security Validation
- Cisco CRC workshop on Hardware Security, San Jose, CA, Dec. 2017
- Groundswell Conference on Cybersecurity, Melbourne, FL, Title: When it Comes to Security, Do not Forget about Hardware (Keynote Speaker)
- Qualcomm, San Diego, Beijing, October 2017, Title: SoC Security
- Tsinghua University, Beijing, October 2017, Title: When it Comes to Security, Do not Forget about Hardware
- Int. IEEE Verification and Security Workshop (IVSW), July 2017, Title: SoC Security: Current Practices and Recent Challenges (Keynote Address)
- Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Dayton, OH, June 2017, Title: Trusted and Assured Microelectronics
- Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Dayton, OH, June 2017, Title: Design-for-Anti-Counterfeit
- Ohio State University, Colombus, OH, June 2017, Title: When It Comes to Cybersecurity, Do Not Forget About Hardware
- IEEE Ambassador talk at the Harris Corporation, Melbourne, FL, March 2017, Title: When It Comes to Cybersecurity, Do Not Forget About Hardware
- RSA Conference, Joint Talk with Cisco CTO for Global Value Chain Edna Conway, San Francisco, CA, February 2017, Title: Securing Electronic Supply Chain from Design to Resign
- IEEE Asian Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (AsianHOST), Dec. 2016, Taiwan, Title: Security Rule Check (Keynote Address)
- IEEE Microprocessor Test and Verification (MTV) Conference, Austin, TX, Dec. 2016, Title: Security Rule Check: A Closer Look at the Automated Test for Security (Keynote Address)
- Global Foundries, CTO Speaker Series, Malta, NY, December 2016
- Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), China, 2016
- International Workshop on on Hardware Security, China, 2016, Title: Hardware Security: Past, Present, and the Future (Keynote address)
- Peking University, China, 2016
- Beihang University, China, 2016
- Dagstuhl Seminar, Germany, 2016, Title: Unlocking the potential of Hardware Security
- IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2016, Title: Security vs. Reliability: Where Do These Two Road Converge?
- IEEE Workshop on CPS Security, April 2016, San Francisco, CA (Keynote Speaker)
- US-Brazil Joint Workshop on Cybersecurity, April 2016, Orlando, FL (Keynote Speaker)
- Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), Host: Dr. Fareena Saqib, Melbourne, FL, March 2016
- Florida Energy Systems Consortium (FESC) , March 2016
- International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) , Santa Clara, March 2016, Title: New Frontiers in Hardware Security and Trust (Keynote Address)
- Northrop Grumman , Sep. 2015, Washington DC
- IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) , Nov. 2015, Austin, TX
- Potomac Institute for Policy (PIP) , Oct. 2015
- DHS Software and Supply Chain Assurance Forum , Nov. 2015
- NSF WATCH Talk , July 2015, Washington DC
- Global Foundries, Dec. 2014, Malta, NY
- Freescale Semiconductors’ Technical Enrichment Conference (Keynote Speaker), Dec. 2014, Austin, TX
- Cadence, Dec. 2014, Austin, TX
- Missile Defense Agency (MDA) PMPB Meeting, Nov. 2014, Hunsville, Alabama
- Beihang University, Nov. 2014, HOST: Prof. Michel Wang
- IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS), Nov. 2014
- Army Research Office (ARO) Workshop, NYC, Nov. 2014
- Honeywell International, Oct. 2014, HOST: Dan DiMase and Dr. Ken Heffner
- Sharif University of Technology, July 2014, HOST: Dr. Siavash Bayat
- Shahid Beheshti University, July 2014, HOST: Dr. Ali Jahanian
- Amirkabir University of Technology, June 2014, HOST: Drs. Saheb Zamani and Hamid Zarandi
- Cisco Corporation, May 2014, Host: Dr. Wei Zhao
- Xilinx Corporation, May 2014, Host: Dr. Amit Majumdar
- IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop (NATW), May 2014 (Keynote speaker)
- Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), Dresden, Germany, March 2014
- IEEE International Workshop on Reliability-Aware Systems Design and Test (RASDAT) , Bombay, India, January 2014 (Keynote Speaker)
- IEEE Microprocessor Test and Verification (MTV) Workshop, Austin, TX, December 2013
- DMSMS, December 2013, Counterfeit Defect Coverage
- DMSMS, December 2013, Combating Die/IC Recovery
- Army Research Office (ARO) Workshop, NYC, November 2013
- Honeywell, Cyber Security Group Meeting, November 2013
- National Cao Tung University, Taiwan, November 2013
- MediaTek, Taiwan, November 2013
- CALCE Symposium on Counterfeit Electronic Parts and Electronic Supply Chain, June 2013
- United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), May 2013
- NASA Quality Leadership Forum, March 2013
- Trusted Supplier Industry, March 2013
- Trusted Supplier Industry, March 2013
- Cisco, Security Group, March, 2013, Title: SiliconAP: A novel Platform for Counterfeit Prevention
- ARO/CHASE Workshop on Counterfeit Electronics, Jan. 2013, Counterfeit Detection Assessment
- ARO/CHASE Workshop on Counterfeit Electronics, Jan. 2013, Silicon Authentication Platform
- NSF/SRC SA+TS Workshop, Washington DC, Jan. 2013
- Microelectronics Reliability and Qualification proposal (MRQW), Dec. 2012
- DMSMS Standardization Conference, Nov. 2012, Title: Secure Split Test for Counterfeit Avoidance
- DMSMS Standardization Conference, Nov. 2012, Title: Counterfeit Test Technology Readiness Assessment
- SRC e-workshop, November 2012
- University of Pittsburgh, April 2012, HOST: Prof. Kartik Mohanram
- University of Illinois at Chicago, March 2012, HOST: Prof. Wenjing Rao
- University of Arkansas, Sep. 2012, HOST: Prof. Jia Di
- Symposium on Counterfeit Electronic Parts and Electronic Supply Chain, June 2012
- IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS), Nov. 2012
- San Jose State University, March 2012, HOST: Prof. Shahab Ardalan
- IEEE Workshop on Defect and Adaptive Data Analysis (DATA), September 2011
- University of South Florida, July 2011, Host: Prof. Sanjukta Bhanja
- Low Power SOC Workshop (LPSOC), July 2011
- IBM TJ Watson, June 2011
- Qualcomm, June 2011
- Cisco, May 2011
- IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), May 2011, Dana Point, CA
- Virginia Tech, April 22, 2011, Host: Prof. Patrick Schaumont, IEEE DVP program
- NYU-Abu Dhabi Workshop on Test, New York, NY, April 2011, Host: Prof. Ozgur Sinanoglu
- University of Maryland, April 2011, Host: Prof. Gang Qu
- ARO Workshop on Hardware Assurance, Washington, DC, April 2010
- University of South Florida, March 2011, IEEE CS Tampa Chapter, IEEE DVP program
- GOMACtech Conference, March 2011, Orlando, FL
- LSI, March 4, 2011
- LSI, March 10, 2011
- University of Wisconsin, Madison, Feb. 2011
- MediaTek, Boston, MA, Nov. 2010, HOST: Harry Chen
- Freescale, Austin, TX, Nov. 2010, HOST: LeRoy Winemberg
- Brown University, Providence, Oct. 2010, RI,Host: Prof. Sherief Reda
- Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, Oct. 2010, Host: Dr. Nisar Ahmed
- University of Texas, Arlington, TX,Oct. 2010, Host: Prof. Robert Magnusson
- NYU-Poly, New York, NY, August 2010, HOST: Prof. Ramesh Karri
- Qualcomm, San Diego, CA, August 2010, HOST: Mike Laisne
- LSI, Milpitas, CA, June 2010, HOST: Dr. Sreejit Chakravarty
- Cisco, June 2010, HOST: Nemat Bidokhti
- NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS-2010)
- IBM, May 2010, Invited by: Dr. Phil Nigh
- Connecticut Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Consortium (CMOC), 2010
- University of Massachusetts, Lowell, March 2010, HOST: Prof. Martin Margala
- LSI Logic, Jan 2010, HOST: Dr. Sreejit Chakravarty
- Information Security Council (INFOSEC), Jan 2010
- IBM-Austin Research Lab (IBM-ARL), Nov. 2009, HOST: Dr. Anne Gattiker
- ARO Special Workshop on Hardware Assurance, 2009
- AMD, July 2009, Host: Dr. Mahmut Yilmaz / Jeff Fitzgerald
- Amirkabir University of Technology, July 2009, Host: Dr. A. Bagheri
- Cisco, May 2009, Host: Nemat Bidokhti
- Southwest DFT (SWDFT-2009), Austin, TX
- Duke University, April 2009, Host: Prof. Krishnendu Chakrabarty
- University of Rhode Island, April 2009, Host: Prof. Resit Sendag
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), March 2009, Host: Prof. Xinming Huang
- Mentor Graphics, Feb 2009, Host: Dr. Yu Huang
- University of Connecticut, Feb. 2009
- University of Tehran, 2nd Talk, Dec. 2008, Host: Dr. M. Hashemi
- University of Tehran, Dec. 2008, Host: Dr. M. Hashemi
- Sharif University of Technology, Dec. 2008, Host: Dr. G. Miremadi
- Baabol University of Technology, Dec. 2008, Host: Dr. H. Miar Naimi
- IEEE Workshop on Design for Reliability and Variability (DRV), Oct. 2008, Title: ATPG for Increased Quality and In-Field Reliability
- IBM TJ Watson, Nov. 2008, Host: Dr. Jinjun Xiong
- Intel, Nov. 2008
- FIST, Japan, Dec. 2008, Title: Dealing with Power and Signal Integrity Issues During Test in Nanometer Technology Designs
- Fukuoka Industry, Science & Technology Foundation (FIST), Japan, Dec. 2008, Title: Verifying Trustworthiness of Integrated Circuits
- IBM, Aug. 2008, Invited by: Dr. Phil Nigh
- Magma, April 2008, Host: Dr. Sandeep Goel
- Invited Speaker, SRC e-Workshop, Feb. 2008, Title: High-Quality Delay Tests for Nanotechnology Designs
- Freescale, Austin, TX, Dec. 2007, Host: Dr. Magdy Abadir/Dr. Raj Raina
- Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, Dec. 2007, Hosts: Vinay Jayaram / Dr. Ken Butler
- TranSwitch, Bedford, MA, Nov. 2007, Host: Zahi Abuhamdeh
- AMD, Boston, MA, Nov. 2007, Host: Dr. Kamran Zarrineh
- Analog Devices, Boston, MA, Nov. 2007, Host: Harry Chen
- Guest Speaker, Magma‘s Luncheon Event at International Test Conference (ITC), San Jose, CA, Tuesday Oct. 23, 2007
- Cadence, June 2007, Title: IR-drop Tolerant AT-speed Tests for Nanometer Technology Designs, Host: Dr. Krishna Chakravadhanula
- LSI Logic, June 2007, Title: Generating High Quality At-speed Tests for Nanometer Technology Designs: Challenges and Solutions, Invited by: Dr. Sreejit Chakravarty
- Qualcomm (San Diego, CA), June 2007, Title: At-speed Test for Nanotechnology: Challenges and Solutions, Host: Dr. Sagar Sabade
- Guest Lecturer for VLSI System Testing Course of ECE Department at Duke University, Instructor: Prof. Krish Chakrabarty
- Mentor Graphics (Wilsonville, OR), Nov. 2006, Title: At-speed Test for Nanotechnology: Challenges and Solutions, Host: Dr. Nilanjan Mukherjee
- LSI Logic (San Jose, CA), Nov. 2006, Title: High Quality At-speed Tests for Nanotechnology Designs, Host: Dr. Arun Gunda
- AMD (Sunnyvale, CA), Oct. 2006, Title: High Quality At-speed Tests for Nanometer High-speed Designs, Host: Dr. Anuja Sehgal
- Texas Instruments (Dallas, TX), April 2004, Title: Enhanced Scan Architectures for Reducing Power and Test Application Time
- Panel Organizer/Moderator, IEEE HOST, CHIPS Act impact on Supply Chain, Onshoring, Assurance, and US Industry, May 2023
- Panel Organizer/Moderator, GomacTech, Quantifiable Assurance: From IPs to SoCs, March 2022
- Panelist: IEEE Workshop on Silicon Lifecycle Management (SLM), 2021
- Panelist: Microelectronics Security, Raytheon RX ISaC Technology Network Panel, May 2021
- Panel Co-Organizer, High Level Synthesis: Facts, Myths, and Fantasies, IEEE HOST, Dec. 2020
- Panelist: Quantifiable Assurance, IEEE HOST 2020
- Panelist: Hardware Security, SRC SIA DOE workshop on Decadal Plan for Semiconductors workshop on ICT Hardware Enabled Security
- Panelist: Education and Workforce Development, ERI Summit, August 2020
- Panelist, Assured AI, Trusted and Assured Microelectronic (TAME) Forum, Washington DC, May 2019
- Panel Organizer/Moderator, Chip to PCB Assurance: Detection and Prevention, International Test Conference (ITC), 2019.
- Panel Moderator, Chip to PCB Assurance: Detection and Prevention, IEEE International Conference on Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE), 2019.
- Panel Organizer, Physical Inspection and Attacks: New Frontiers in Hardware Security, International Test Conference (ITC), 2018.
- Panel Organizer, Crossroad Between Physical Inspection and Hardware Security, IEEE International Workshop on Physical Attacks and Inspection on Electronics (PAINE), San Francisco, June 2018.
- Tutorial Organizer, DAC, Security of Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS): A Hands-on Approach, Presenter: Yier Jin, June 2018
- Panelist, Hardware Supply Chain Security in Asia and Around the World, IEEE AsianHOST, 2018
- Panelist, Trusted and Assured Microelectronics (TAME), Vision for TAME (co-located with HOST), May 2018
- Panel Moderator, Fire Side Chat with Edna Conway, CSO of Cisco, Women in Hardware and Systems Security Workshop (WISE), May 2018
- Panel Organizer, Global Electronic Supply Chain: What Can South East Asian do about it? IEEE AsianHOST, 2017
- Panelist, NYU Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 2017, Cybersecurity Lecture, with Wally Rhines, Chairman and CEO of Mentor Graphics, April 2017
- Panelist, Internet of Things (IoT) and Automotive Security Workshop (IASW), 2017, Security for IoTs
- Panel Organizer, International Test Conference, 2016, Test and Security for IoTs
- Panelist, International Workshop on Hardware Security, 2016, Research Collaboration Opportunities in Hardware Security Areas
- Panel Organizer, IEEE International Verification and Security Workshop (IVSW), 2016, Title: DFT vs. Security – Is it a Contradiction? How Can we Get the Best of Both World?
- Panel Organizer, IEEE International Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2016, Title: Hardware-based System Security
- Panel Organizer and Moderator, IEEE International Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2016, Title: IP Protection from Chip-to-System Using Reverse Engineering
- Panelist, International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2016, Title: Hardware and Systems Security Challenges in IoT Era
- Panel Organizer / Panelist, IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), April 2016, Title: Test Opportunities for Secure Hardware
- Panelist, Florida International University (FIU) Cybersecurity Meeting, Miami, FL, Oct. 2015
- Panelist, IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium (S&P), San Jose, CA, May 2014
- Panelist, SRC STARSS (), San Jose, CA, May 2014
- Panelist, Microprocessor Test and verification (MTV), Nov. 2013
- Panelist, IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop (NATW), May 2013
- Panelist, Cisco innovation Test Conference (CITC), 2012
- Panel Moderator, Title: Low Power Testing, IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), May 2011
- Panelist, International Test Conference (ITC), 2010
- Panelist, IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2010
- Panelist, IEEE Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT), 2009
- Panelist, International Test Conference (ITC), Nov. 2009, Austin, TX
- Panel Organizer, Title: Test and Diagnosis for Parametric Failures, Int. Workshop on Defect and Data Driven Testing, (D3T), Nov. 2009
- Panel Organizer, Title: Zero Defect (Zero DPPM): How can we get there?, Int. Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT), Oct. 2008
- Panel Co-organizer, Title: Challenges in Test Data Collection and Analysis, Int. Workshop on Defect and Data Driven Testing, (D3T), Oct. 2008
- Panelist, WRTLT, Sapporo, Japan, Nov. 2008.
- Panel Co-organizer (with Hank Walker, Texas A&M University), Title: Process Variations + Systematic Defects: Can DBT Help? , International Workshop on Defect-Based Testing (DBT), 2007.
- Panel Co-organizer (with Kee Sup Kim from Intel), Title: Three Questions to Oracle (Data required for test engineers and researchers in academia), IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), 2006
- Proposal reviewer and panelist for the National Science Foundation (NSF), 2005, 2006, 2009
- IEEE International Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), Secure Heterogeneous Integration, May 2023
- International Test Conference (ITC), CAD for SoC Security Verification, September. 2022
- IEEE International Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), CAD Solutions for SoC Security, June 2022
- Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), CAD for SoC Security, Feb. 2022
- International Test Conference (ITC), SoC Security Verification, Oct. 2021
- IEEE International Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), CAD Solutions for SoC Security, Dec. 12, 2021
- Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), CAD for SoC Security, Feb. 2021
- IEEE International Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), CAD for SoC Security, Dec. 2020
- IEEE International Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2019, CAD for Security
- IEEE International Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2018, Protecting Electronics Supply Chain from Design to Resign
- IEEE International Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2017, Protecting Electronics Supply Chain from Design to Resign
- International Test Conference (ITC), 2016, Test Opportunities and Challenges for Secure Hardware and Verifying Trust in Integrated Circuits
- Dagstuhl Seminar, Germany, 2016, Hardware Security,
- International Test Conference (ITC), 2015, Test Opportunities and Challenges for Secure Hardware and Verifying Trust in Integrated Circuits, M. Tehranipoor (University of Florida) and D. Forte (University of Florida)
- Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2015, Introduction to Hardware Security, M. Tehranipoor (University of Florida), M. Potkonjak (UCLA), and Ron Perez (CRI)
- IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), 2014, Electronic Component Supply Chain Security: Threats, Challenges, and Solution, M. Tehranipoor (UCONN)
- Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), 2014, All You Need to Know About Hardware Trojans and Counterfeit ICs, M. Tehranipoor and D. Forte (UCONN)
- IEEE Conference on VLSI, 2014, All You Need to Know About Hardware Trojans and Counterfeit ICs, M. Tehranipoor and D. Forte (UCONN)
- IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2013, Chip to System Reliability Fundamentals, Mohammad Tehranipoor (UConn), Nemat Bidokhti (Cisco), and Bill Eklow (Cisco)
- International Test Conference (ITC), 2011, Testing Low-Power Integrated Circuits: Challenges, Solutions, and Industry Practices, Srivaths Ravi (Texas Instruments), Mohammad Tehranipoor (UConn), and Rohit Kapur (Synopsys)
- International Test Conference (ITC), 2011, High-Quality and Low-Cost Delay Testing for VDSM Designs: Challenges & Solutions, Mohammad Tehranipoor (UConn), Krish Chakrabarty (Duke University), and Jeff Rearick (AMD)
- Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2011, Chip to System Reliability Fundamentals, Mohammad Tehranipoor (UConn), Nemat Bidokhti (Cisco), and Bill Eklow (Cisco)
- International Test Conference (ITC), 2010, Testing Low-Power Integrated Circuits: Challenges, Solutions, and Industry Practices, Srivaths Ravi (Texas Instruments), Mohammad Tehranipoor (UConn), and Rohit Kapur (Synopsys)
- International Test Conference (ITC), 2010, High-Quality and Low-Cost Delay Testing for VDSM Designs: Challenges & Solutions, Mohammad Tehranipoor (UConn), Krish Chakrabarty (Duke University), and Jeff Rearick (AMD)
- Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), 2010, Testing Low-Power Integrated Circuits: Challenges, Solutions, and Industry Practices, Srivaths Ravi (Texas Instruments), Mohammad Tehranipoor (UConn), Rohit Kapur (Synopsys)
- International Conference on VLSI, 2009, High-Quality and Low-Cost Delay Testing for VDSM Designs: Challenges & Solutions, Mohammad Tehranipoor (UConn) and Krish Chakrabarty (Duke University)
- Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2008, Title: High-Quality Delay Tests for Nanometer Technology Designs
Selected Presentations:
- SRC Annual Grant Review, 2011, Arizona State University
- Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), 2010, Title: High-Quality Pattern Selection for Screening Small-Delay Defects Considering Process Variations and Crosstalk
- Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), 2010, Title: Novel Physical Unclonable Function Based on Process and Environmental Variations
- IEEE Int. Workshop on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2009
- Int. Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2008
- Int. Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance (DFT), Oct. 2008
- Title:Hardware Trojan Detection and Isolation Using Current Integration and Localized Current Analysis
- Int. Workshop on Hardware-Oriented and Security (HOST), June 2008
- Title: Detection of Malicious Inclusions in Secure Hardware: Challenges and Solutions
- Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), March 2008
- Title: Layout-Aware, IR-Drop Tolerant Transition-Delay Fault Pattern Generation
- Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2007
- Title: Transition Delay Fault Test Pattern Generation Considering Supply Voltage Noise in a SOC Design
- SRC Annual Review, 2010
- SRC Annual Review, 2009
- SRC Annual Review, 2008
- SRC Annual Grant Review, 2007, Duke University, NC, Title: At-speed Transition Delay Test Using Low-Cost Testers
- IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop (NATW), 2007, Boxborough, MA, Title: IR-drop Tolerant Transition Delay Fault Testing in SOC Designs
- ICCAD, Oct. 2006, Title: A Novel Framework for Faster-than-at-Speed Test Considering IR-drop Effects
- DBT 2006, Title: Improving ATPG and Pattern Generation Selection for Screening Small Delay Defects
- SRC Annual Grant Review, 2006, UCSB, CA, Title: At-speed Transition Delay Test Using Low-Cost Testers
- Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2006
- Title: A Hybrid FPGA Using Nanoscale Cluster and CMOS Scale Routing
- Title: Timing-Based Delay Test for Screening Small Delay Defects
- IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), Elevator Talk, 2006, Title: IR-Drop Effects on Faster-than-at-speed Delay Test
- IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop (NATW), 2005, Title: At-Speed Transition Fault Testing Using Low Speed Testers with Application to Reduced Scan Enable Routing Area
- IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), 2005: Title: At-Speed Transition Fault Testing With Low Speed Scan Enable
- Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2005
- Title: Architecture of an Embedded Queue Management Engine for High-Speed Network Devices
- Title: NnSP: Embedded Neural Networks Stream Processor
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), 2004, Title: Nine-Coded Compression Technique for Reducing Test Application Time
- University of Texas at Dallas, Center for Integrated Circuits and Systems (CICS), 2003, Title: Low-Power Test Pattern Generation Techniques
- Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2002
- Title: Test Optimization of Bus-Structured SoCs Using Embedded Microprocessor
- Title: Fast Prototyping of a DSP Core